Friday, 27 April 2012

28 elephants electrocuted in the last two years in Karnataka

28 elephants were electrocuted accidentally or deliberate manner in last two years in Karnataka. Statistics shows that , 236 elephants have died — 121 during 2010-11 and 115 during 2011-12 — due to various reasons. During 2010-11, 97 elephants died in the State due to natural causes that included reasons such as old age and sickness. As many as seven elephants died of gun shots. Road accidents claimed the lives of two elephants, one died in a fight among the herd and one fell to poaching, apart from 13 electrocution incidents. During 2011-12, 84 animals died of natural causes, three from gun shots, five in fights, three in road accidents and 15 of electrocution. Five calves were mauled and eaten by tigers.

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